Dems Put Finishing Touches on One-Party Surveillance Superstate

The Democratic Party has made a strategic decision to bypass candidates from its progressive wing and recruit former members of the military and intelligence agencies to compete with Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections. The shift away from liberal politicians to center-right government agents and military personnel is part of a broader plan to rebuild the party so it better serves the interests of its core constituents, Wall Street, big business, and the foreign policy establishment. Democrat leaders want to eliminate left-leaning candidates who think the party should promote issues that are important to working people and replace them with career bureaucrats who will be more responsive to the needs of business. The ultimate objective of this organization-remake is to create a center-right superparty comprised almost entirely of trusted allies from the national security state who can be depended on to implement the regressive policies required by their wealthy contributors. Here’s more background from Patrick Martin at the World Socialist Web Site:

“An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department are seeking nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections. The potential influx of military-intelligence personnel into the legislature has no precedent in US political history.

If the Democrats capture a majority in the House of Representatives on November 6, as widely predicted, candidates drawn from the military-intelligence apparatus will comprise as many as half of the new Democratic members of Congress. They will hold the balance of power in the lower chamber of Congress….

… it should be noted that there would be no comparable influx of Bernie Sanders supporters or other “left”-talking candidates in the event of a Democratic landslide. Only five of the 221 candidates reviewed in this study had links to Sanders or billed themselves as “progressive.” None is likely to win the primary, let alone the general election.” (“The CIA Democrats, Patrick Martin, The World Socialist Web Site)

Progressive candidates are being ignored to make room for center-right functionaries who will focus on reducing government spending, rolling back Trump’s trade policy, and supporting the foreign wars. This new wave of fiscally-conservative Democrats will execute their tasks in a party that serves as the political wing of the federal bureaucracy. Democrat leaders have long-abandoned the idea that a party should be a vehicle for political change. Their aim is to create a top-down pro-business collective that marginalizes activists and liberals in order to avoid disruptive political convulsions that impact corporate profitability. Here’s more on the Dems’ attack on its liberal base from an article by Patrick Martin:

“The New Jersey Democratic Party establishment successfully imposed its choice in contested congressional nominations, brushing aside several candidates backed by Bernie Sanders and his Our Revolution group. Nearly every Sanders-backed candidate in other states—for governor of Iowa and congressional seats in Iowa, Montana New Mexico and California—suffered a similar fate.” (“US primary elections in eight states confirm rightward shift by Democratic Party”, Patrick Martin, The World Socialist Web Site)

As a result “Only a handful of candidates running under the Bernie Sanders banner survived primaries held in six states on Tuesday. As of Wednesday afternoon, only seven of 31 candidates endorsed by Our Revolution —- had been declared winners.” (USA Today)

Simply put, Democrat leaders have successfully derailed the progressive bandwagon. Even so, Sanders role vis a vis the Democratic Party has always been a bit of a ruse. Here’s how author Tom Hall sums it up:

“The major political function of Sanders’ campaign is to divert the growing social discontent and hostility toward the existing system behind the Democratic Party, in order to contain and dissipate it. His supposedly ‘socialist’ campaign is an attempt to preempt and block the emergence of an independent movement of the working class.” (“Is Bernie Sanders a socialist?”, July 16, 2015), Tom Hall, World Socialist Web Site)

Sanders task will become increasingly more difficult as progressives realize that the Dems are building a party apparatus that sees activism as a fundamental threat to their strategic objective, which is to create a secure environment where business can flourish. Sanders has helped the party by seducing leftists with his fake liberalism, but he has undermined the aims of working people who need an independent organization to advance their own political agenda. As long as Sanders continues to sell his populist snake oil from a Democratic soapbox, liberals are going to continue to hope that the party can be transformed into an instrument for progressive change. The evidence, however, suggests the party is moving in the opposite direction. Here’s more from Patrick Martin’s:

“The Democratic Party’s promotion of a large number of military-intelligence candidates for competitive districts represents an insurance policy for the US ruling elite. In the event of a major swing to the Democrats, the House of Representatives will receive an influx of new members drawn primarily from the national security apparatus, trusted servants of American imperialism……The preponderance of national security operatives in the Democratic primaries sheds additional light on the nature of the Obama administration (which) marked the further ascendancy of the military-intelligence apparatus within the Democratic Party….

The Democratic Party is running in the congressional elections not only as the party that takes a tougher line on Russia, but as the party that enlists as its candidates and representatives those who have been directly responsible for waging war, both overt and covert, on behalf of American imperialism. ….

The upper-middle-class layer that provides the “mass” base of the Democratic Party has moved drastically to the right over the past four decades, enriched by the stock market boom, consciously hostile to the working class, and enthusiastically supportive of the military-intelligence apparatus which, in the final analysis, guarantees its own social position against potential threats, both foreign and domestic. It is this social evolution that now finds expression on the surface of capitalist politics, in the rise of the military-intelligence “faction” to the leadership of the Democratic Party.” (“The CIA Democrats”, Patrick Martin, The World Socialist Web Site)

The dramatic metamorphosis of the Democratic party hasn’t taken place in a vacuum but in a fractious and politically-charged environment where elements within the intelligence community and law enforcement (FBI) are attempting to roll back the results of the 2016 presidential elections because their preferred candidate (Hillary Clinton) did not win. And while these agencies have not yet produced any hard evidence that their claims (of collusion with Russia) are true, there is mounting circumstantial evidence that senior-level officials at these agencies were actively trying to entrap members of the Trump campaign to justify more intrusive surveillance in the hopes of uncovering incriminating evidence that could be used in impeachment proceedings.

As more information surfaces, and we learn more about the “unmasking”, wiretapping, National Security Letters, FISA warrants, paid informants and other surveillance abuses that were directed at the Trump campaign, we should think back to 2005 when the New York Times first reported that the National Security Agency had been eavesdropping on Americans inside the United States “without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying.” (“Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts”, New York Times) That incident was reported just 13 years ago and already we can see that the infrastructure for a permanent Orwellian police-state –that uses its extraordinary powers of surveillance to sabotage the democratic process and maintain its stranglehold on power– has already arisen in our midst. And while Russiagate is proof-positive that these malign spying techniques are already being used against us, the Democratic party is now creating a home for deep-state alums and their military allies so they continue to prosecute their war against personal liberty and the American people.

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  1. “The ultimate objective of this organization-remake is to create a center-right superparty comprised almost entirely of trusted allies from the national security state who can be depended on to implement the regressive policies required by their wealthy contributors.”

    If by “regressive” you mean a move away from a mixed economy to a more fundamentalist market-based approach, then yeah, I would agree.

    “Their aim is to create a top-down pro-business collective that marginalizes activists and liberals in order to avoid disruptive political convulsions … ”

    The only activism I’ve seen from progressives in the past two years has nothing to do with economic concerns; their energy is entirely focused on race, gender, and sexuality. The cultural-Marxist troika.

    ” … Russiagate is proof-positive that these malign spying techniques are already being used against us, the Democratic party is now creating a home for deep-state alums and their military allies … ”

    You forgot to mention neoconservatives who are now finding safe spaces for their warmongering in the liberal media. Currently the Democrats are inflamed with identity politics; more than likely this infection will continue to fester for another two election cycles. Democrats are proceeding down a dark path: identity politics brings only conflict, civil war.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Alfa158, @Mishra, @Saxon
  2. Anon[296] • Disclaimer says:

    The Democrat party is a high-low coalition of the fringes. The ultra rich use the poor to attack the middle so they can distract everyone else from uniting and doing something like raising taxes on the rich or deporting minorities to democrat neighborhoods. So, it’s not surprising that the high part of the coalition would strike back.

    This only further strengthens my desire to see a secession movement. When statist democrats are in power, they will surely abuse this growing national security state to keep us down. It’s time to break up the USSA ASAP before it’s too late.


    • Replies: @jacques sheete, @Reg Cæsar
  3. anon[372] • Disclaimer says:

    “Democrat leaders want to eliminate left-leaning candidates who think the party should promote issues that are important to working people.”

    Note to M. Whitney: the New Deal coalition is dead. Left/Progressives today despise working people. Didn’t you get the memo? Working people are deplorable! Antifa, BLM, the Women’s Studies Dept, the sex lobby, Amy Goodman, Michael Moore – they all hate working people.

    “Progressive candidates are being ignored to make room for center-right functionaries who will focus on reducing government spending, rolling back Trump’s trade policy, and supporting the foreign wars.”

    Note to M. Whitney: Progressives today love free trade and advocate war against Russia. Didn’t you notice when pro-war progressives kicked you off the Counterpunch website? Today’s Progressives love War! Punch the Nazi!

    “Simply put, Democrat leaders have successfully derailed the progressive bandwagon”

    Note to M. Whitney: The progressive bandwagon exists solely for identity politics hysteria, and it is not derailed. Haven’t you noticed the race and gender, baiting and slander bandwagon barreling down the highway? It’s getting louder all the time.

    Stop holding out hope that someday there will be a groundswell of progressives on the left who are on the side of the little guy. Progressives are an elite crowd of identity politics ideologues. Radical reformers are misanthropes – they don’t like social norms because they don’t like basic human nature. They will never like working stiffs. They will never care about 3rd world villagers getting bombed.
    The fault line here is race and gender politics. You are on the right side on war and economic issues and you are on the wrong side on race/sex/gender issues. Don’t blindly accept the dogma that differing group outcomes are caused by Bad White Males. Trust in facts and reason. Don’t feel you have to grovel because you’re white or male. Change your mind on these issues – it’s called learning.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @prusmc, @Vojkan
  4. Reg Cæsar says:

    identity politics brings only conflict, civil war

    It brings power to its practitioners. Which is the whole point.

    You forgot to mention neoconservatives who are now finding safe spaces for their warmongering in the liberal media

    Why wouldn’t they? Warmongering has been a “liberal” preoccupation for a century, since the income-taxing suffragist Wilson. Remember Bob Dole’s “Kinsley gaffe” in the 1976 debate with Walter Mondale.

  5. Reg Cæsar says:

    They will never care about 3rd world villagers getting bombed

    They’re the ones doing the bombing.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra, @gwynedd1
  6. Carlton Meyer says: • Website

    Jimmy Dore covered this topic a few weeks ago. He rightly states they are CIA funded campaigns.

  7. Eagle Eye says:

    Would it have killed you to link to the pieces you quote from at some length?

    Patrick Martin’s piece is here:

    Ron Unz has linked to several times in the past as WSWS was targeted by the Deep State/Google etc. cabal to make it disappear into the “memory hole.”

  8. Alfa158 says:

    Very well put.
    Mike is floundering here because he can’t break away from using obsolete terminology like left, right, conservative, socialist etc. Those terms have been turned on their heads and perverted. Why would he think Bernie is a Socialist? Did I miss the part of Sanders’ platform that called for State ownership of the means of production? The so-called center-right Democratic Party will be bombing third world villages but they’ll be using transsexual, gay and affirmative action fighters. How is that conservative? They will maintain open borders to flood the West with non-Whites so businesses can have a large consumer base and cheap labor, and government can have a single party system that promotes AA and gender less locker rooms. How is that right wing? The candidate who showed the concern for the working people, and won their votes, was the supposed capitalist running dog Trump. The Antifas call themselves anarchists but yearn for Communism, the most totalitarian of government systems
    In order to think cogently about a problem you need the correct terms to describe it. I think we are all struggling to come up with a new vocabulary to rationally describe the new forces at work in our society. I would welcome suggestions because I’ve got nuthin here.

  9. Mishra says:

    The only activism I’ve seen from progressives in the past two years has nothing to do with economic concerns; their energy is entirely focused on race, gender, and sexuality. The cultural-Marxist troika.

    Just one of many good point you make. The only thing I’d add is in relation to:

    Democrats are proceeding down a dark path: identity politics brings only conflict, civil war.

    As Reg mentions: conflict among the masses is very much the plan. Divide et impera.

    • Replies: @renfro
  10. Biff says:

    And my stupid liberal friends still think the democrats are going to save them, and then on to super – duper – special stupid, they think their vote for a democrat is going to have an impact. On to ludicrous stupid – it’s all the republicans fault. Identity politics at its finest.

    Unfixable, and circling the drain.

    • Agree: Seamus Padraig
  11. The problem now seems to be that the president moves around in a tank disguised as a car.
    Tampering with the two aircraft the uses, also not easy.

  12. @Reg Cæsar

    These two bombs may have saved about twenty million Japanese lives, and one million USA lives:
    Robert J.C. Butow, ‘JAPAN’S Decision to Surrender’, Stanford, 1954

  13. “Center-right” and “business oriented?”

    Try Oligarch-centric.

    There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, from the fall of Constantinople: Sultan Mehmed II rounded up the surviving oligarchs of the Empire and asked them why they had withheld their riches and resources from supporting the Empire’s final defense against his conquest, to which the oligarchs replied that they were saving their riches for his most excellent majesty. He had them brutally executed.

    • Replies: @Jake, @ploni almoni
  14. Jake says:

    Anybody who trusts the Democrats to save us from the evil machinations of the Neocons is as hopelessly stupid as anyone who trusts the Neocons to save us from the evil machinations of the Democrats.

  15. Jake says:
    @The Alarmist

    The oligarchs of the West now are even worse. They use their fortunes to make certain that the West is murdered.

  16. Corvinus says:

    “Progressive candidates are being ignored to make room for center-right functionaries who will focus on reducing government spending, rolling back Trump’s trade policy, and supporting the foreign wars.”

    No. Progressive candidates of the Democratic Party remain a vibrant force, according to the Alt Right. Refer to the number of supporters for the #MeToo movement, for police brutality investigations, and for stricter environmental regulations.

    “The Democratic Party has made a strategic decision to bypass candidates from its progressive wing and recruit former members of the military and intelligence agencies to compete with Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections.”

    Precisely because Democrats have been labeled as being “soft” on national security matters. Moreover, these candidates still hold to other platform ideologies. It’s called being well-rounded.

    “Simply put, Democrat leaders have successfully derailed the progressive bandwagon.”

    Simply put, you are decidedly in error, as the Alt Right has repeatedly made the argument that Democrats have EXPANDED the “progressive bandwagon”.

    “And while these agencies have not yet produced any hard evidence that their claims (of collusion with Russia) are true, there is mounting circumstantial evidence that senior-level officials at these agencies were actively trying to entrap members of the Trump campaign to justify more intrusive surveillance in the hopes of uncovering incriminating evidence that could be used in impeachment proceedings.”

    Hard evidence has been produced, and there was no entrapment.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon, @SunBakedSuburb
  17. TheOldOne says:

    When a writer uses the word progressive without scare quotes, you know you’re reading a confused human being. Five minutes ago I was reading a column on VDARE by Mr. Brimelow in which he predicts more or less the opposite of what is predicted here, i.e. that the Dems are happily pushing away potential white support.

    At least one of these men is mistaken.

  18. DESERT FOX says:

    At the upper levels there is no difference between the Demonrats and the Republicons as all are controlled by the Zionists and congress would by more accurately called the lower house of the Knesset . The biggest fairy tale is that the U.S. is a free country , it is not and has not been free since 1913 when the Zionist bankers took control of America via their privately owned FED and IRS and with the Zionist control of the money creation and taxation America became a nation of slaves on the Zionist American plantation.

    The surveillance of Americans should come as no surprise as with 17 Orwellian Zionist organs to monitor every facet of our life and have us pay for it via our Zionist tax system we have surpassed Orwell 1984 in everyway possible, welcome to surveillance HELL.

    • Agree: anarchyst
    • Replies: @Stonehands
  19. prusmc says: • Website

    These new Democrats will never vote for less spending. There previous career was based on having abundant and in some cases unlimited Federal funds at their fingertips.
    It is a mistake to think they will be any different than Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jerold Nadler or Luis Guitirez. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia is about a unconventional as we can expect the new congressional majority members to be.

  20. @jilles dykstra

    @ jiiles-
    urine idjit…
    that old canard has been disproven so many times from sunday that you make yourself a fool… on just about any level you look at it, it was/is and ever shall be a metaphysical war crime to have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, besides not being military targets of any significance, THAT was the reason they were chosen as targets: relatively pristine, unbombed areas that could show the power of the bomb itself…
    dog damn it is difficult not to hate on kneejerk propaganda victims like yourself who have no intention of letting actual factuals get in the way of apologizing for Empire at every turn…
    authoritarian non-thinkers such as yourself are why The They wield so much influence…
    kindly foad

    • Replies: @Wally
  21. @Anon

    The ultra rich use the poor to attack the middle so they can distract everyone else from uniting …

    That, in fact, is the practical aim of government in general.

    Parties, schmarties…it’s all one huge extortion racket.

    • Agree: Stonehands, renfro
    • Replies: @Jollyroger
  22. Mr. Anon says:

    No. Progressive candidates of the Democratic Party remain a vibrant force, according to the Alt Right. Refer to the number of supporters for the #MeToo movement, for police brutality investigations, and for stricter environmental regulations.


    Simply put, you are decidedly in error, as the Alt Right has repeatedly made the argument that Democrats have EXPANDED the “progressive bandwagon”.

    What is the “Alt-Right”? Who speaks for it? What national platform does it have? Care to give any citations to back up your ridiculous claims? There is no “Alt-Right” outside remote precincts of the internet.

    Hard evidence has been produced, and there was no entrapment.

    So what is that evidence, you prating ass-hat? State it, succinctly.

    And why is it you claim to “not be a liberal” when you only ever repeat talking points of the DNC and NPR?


    • Replies: @Corvinus
  23. Stonehands says:

    Yes… agree whole heartedly.

    But why in the world do people embrace and demand electronic currency, i.e. credit and debit cards?

    All electronic transactions are 100 per cent efficient mechanisms to enforce the ruling classes will and deprive YOU of the fruits of YOUR labor.

    Yet, the people ABHOR autonomy.

    They want a beneficent ruler, not the rigors and inconveniences of liberty.

  24. @Alfa158

    “The Antifas call themselves anarchists but yearn for Communism … ”

    Very true.

  25. Si1ver1ock says:

    This is a great article. I’ll probably link to it.

  26. @Corvinus

    “Precisely because Democrats have been labeled as being ‘soft’ on national security matters. … these candidates still hold to other platform ideologies. It’s called being well-rounded.”

    So welcoming in the spies and deep state espionage operatives was purely a political decision? It’s called being cynical.

    “Hard evidence [of Trump-Putin collusion] has been produced, and there was no entrapment.”

    What is the hard evidence? And if you don’t believe a coup directed against Trump was being engineered by John Brennan and his allies at DOJ/FBI you haven’t been paying attention.

    • Replies: @renfro, @Corvinus
  27. Wally says:
    @art guerrilla

    I believe Dykstra was simply availing us to the standard myth, not that he believes it.

    Your point is well taken, however. That excuse does not withstand scrutiny.


  28. anon[246] • Disclaimer says:

    I think we are all struggling to come up with a new vocabulary to rationally describe the new forces at work in our society. I would welcome suggestions because I’ve got nuthin here.

    I agree. I used to be liberal, then became far left, and I am now far right. And I never changed my views! The politics around me changed.
    Here are some forces at work:
    1. Empire – the old far left and the new far right are against the USA having an Empire and against perpetual war. Read Pat Buchanan and Mike Whitney on Middle East wars and Russia and they sound a lot alike. Everyone else in America supports the Empire, either actively or passively.
    2. Economy – the old far left and the new far right think free trade and Wall Street are killing middle class jobs and the ladders of success. It’s the old Democrat pro union view and the old Republican main street vs. wall street view. If you like socialism, you gotta hate Wall Street. If you like free markets, you gotta hate Wall Street. Everyone else in America supports Wall Stree rule over the Fed and economic policy, either actively or passively.
    3. Race/Sex/Gender – the old far right KKK vlugar bigoted view is pretty much dead in America. The new far right is trying to work through real facts on group differences and what is reasonable to do about it. Everyone else is CCCrazy.

    • Agree: Seamus Padraig
  29. If you’re young and you’re reading this, your parents are dead. I think you know this intuitively even if you cannot compel yourself to admit it. They’re unnecessary. They’re superfluous. They’re expendable and so too you will be in a few short years.

    Your REAL PARENTS are your Smart Phone. That is your Lifeline. That is all you need, and all you need to know and feel and think will come from that Smart Phone, not your parents or your siblings or your friends or your teachers or your coaches. The Smart Phone reigns Supreme.

    The System is destroying you and your potential one day at a time until, by the time you’re in your mid-twenties, you’re effectively dead. You are rendered a Mindless Consuming Meat Sackwiling away your day in a Psychopathic Corporation where your Productivity, if you can call it that, is superfluous and unnecessary and not valued in the least by those who order it. You’re a Mindless Cog in the Super Organism called Human that is devouring Planet Earth at an exponential pace.

    It’s a not-so-highly-guarded secret that at least 80% of corporate jobs, and most jobs these days are corporate jobs, are unnecessary and superfluous.

    In otherwords, Corporations can still achieve the same results with an 80% or more reduction in their “Workforce“.

    Why do the Corporations employ this superfluity, you ask? Because it’s a matter of Social Engineering. Social Control. If the goal is to destroy the Planet as soon as possible and as quickly as possible, everyone has to be on the same page and focused on that goal. Individualism is not tolerated. Any form of Collectivity & Connectivity outside of the Consumer Paradigm is intolerable. Your Spirit must be crushed and replaced with Blind Obeisance. The Walking Dead.

    Corporations reanimate your Lifeless Dead Parents so they will keep consuming the Earth. The Walking Dead is perfect metaphor.

    That sounds psychopathic, doesn’t it? Of course it does because it is. Just wait. You’ll see. Scratch that. You won’t see. You’ll be dead and reanimated into a Walking Dead Frankenstein of sorts and at that point you will be incapable of seeing anything except the next sofa you purchase or car or washing machine or YOU NAME IT. You will just unconsciously do. As you’re told. There will be no more YOU.

    The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

    We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ~ Edward Bernays, 1928, Propaganda

    How Consumerism Is Used to Control Society

    Consumerism keeps society functioning smoothly because it distracts from the brutality that lurks deep within the human psyche through a sort of temptation-and-reward system. Many of us work jobs that we hate to earn money to buy things we’ve been conditioned into lusting over.

    Shopping gives us a cheap dopamine rush that not only satisfies us briefly on a chemical level, but spending our hard (or not-so-hard) earned cash creates a feeling of achievement: we worked, we earned it, and now we are rewarding ourselves for it with a very tangible trophy for our efforts.

    It’s a cheap and easily-attainable feeling of success that briefly makes us feel good about ourselves, thus placating us. Not everyone has the talent or drive to direct an Oscar-winning movie or realize their ambitions, whatever they may be, but anyone with enough money can buy the post-purchase glow that comes with a new iPhone.

    Furthermore, if advertisers, marketers and PR agents can keep us distracted with flashy cars and expensive watches, we are, in theory, less likely to stumble into that dormant part of our nature that drives people to commit senseless acts of violence and cruelty. It also distracts us from things that truly matter, like politics.

    Why protest and organize politically to pressure politicians into rolling back state surveillance programs or abandon trade deals like TTIP, which would give corporations the right to sue governments if they pass laws that hurt their business, when you can buy the illusion of freedom through cigarettes, to use a Bernays-created example?

    If you straddle someone with debt, tie them down to a mortgage and the risk of losing their home if they fall back on payments, is that person likely to risk getting arrested at a protest? The answer is no.

    Not only that, but the endlessly churning hype machine and the manufacturing of cheap, quickly disposed trends are destabilizing forces that imbue us with a sense of panic. They amplify the ever-changing nature of the world by creating artificial change and convince us that we need to keep up with trends, which ultimately makes us anxious.

    As Naomi Klein outlined in The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, “in moments of crisis people are willing to hand over a great deal of power to anyone who claims to have a magic cure – whether the crisis is a financial meltdown or, as the Bush administration would later show, a terrorist attack.”

    Trends, hype and designed obsolescence serve a similar purpose. By doping this feeling that the world is frighteningly unstable, we’re more likely to submit to authoritarian politicians who offer easy solutions to complicated problems, just so we can reclaim some sense of stability.

    Bernays would go on to work for the next four presidents after Coolidge, all the way up to Eisenhower in the late ‘50s, a position of influence that helped weave consumerism into the fabric of the American society. Cultural historian, Ann Douglas would later describe him as the man “who orchestrated the commercialization of culture” and he would inspire countless other marketers and corporate psychologists-for-hire over the decades, who would further reinforce his vision of the world.

    But while Bernays was convinced that he was helping stabilize a savage world and protect democracy from the bestial tendencies of human nature through consumerism, some would argue that he did the exact opposite. Most notable of which was a prominent left-wing philosopher by the name of Herbert Marcuse.

    Marcuse, whose teachings and book, One-Dimensional Man, became cornerstones of the 1960s counterculture, argued that the sense of achievement we get through spending and consuming is actually a hollow one that conversely makes us unsatisfied.

    In a 1967 TV interview, Marcuse argued that “this prosperity, at the same time, consciously or unconsciously, leads to a kind of schizophrenic existence. I believe that in this society an incredibly quantum of aggressiveness and destructiveness is accumulated precisely because of this empty prosperity, which then… simply erupts.” As far as I can tell, what he means by “schizophrenic existence,” is the disconnect between spending and satisfaction.

    It’s said that money can’t buy you happiness, and we consistently read about depressed millionaires who spend fortunes on therapists, or child stars that ruin themselves through drug addiction or simply lose their shit like Britney Spears did when she shaved her head.

    I think this comes from doing what you’re told will make you happy, like working, earning, and spending, only to find that the internal void doesn’t grow any fuller. So we work more to earn more so we can spend more, hoping something will change. Maybe we turn to drugs or sex or religion. And if that doesn’t work, feelings of despair, depression, anger or betrayal are the logical next step.

    It’s interesting to note that, looking back at his life and creation at the age of 100, Edward Bernays once told an interviewer: “sometimes it seems sort of like having discovered a medicine to cure a disease, and then finding out that so much of it is being administered that people are getting sick from the overdoses.” Sick indeed.

    I know. I’ve worked in Corporate World. Corporations are Psychopaths and the higher up the Food Chain one is in a Corporation, the more psychopathic they are. Down deep, I know the children of these Psychopaths have to know their Upper Management Parents are Full-Fledged Psychopaths. They have a choice. Rebel against them, or embrace it fully and enjoy the Perksuntil they are Walking Dead Psychopaths themselves. These days, most Adolescents choose the latter and that choice is highly coerced by Socially-Controlling Peer Pressure greatly enhanced by Social Media & Pop Culture.

    I’m convinced that the Smart Phone coupled with Social Media & Pop Culture and everything Bernays has taught The Psychopaths, will be used to easily persuade hundreds of millions, if not billions, of Braindead Consumer Zombies to walk happily and emphatically into the metaphorical Gas Showers when it comes time to seriously depopulate The Planet. They’ll make an App or many Apps for it and make a Game of it. They’ll make it Irresistible. The Social Control Death Grip the National Security State Nazis have on Humanity is that powerful. It’s so powerful, dead Nazis are sporting erections and ejaculating in their graves.

    This is why I have ZERO FAITH the younger generations will have any impact on the direction Humanity is headed. They have been, and are being, so overly Socially Engineered, they can only serve that purpose and nothing more. Their capacity, your capacity, for anything else simply will no longer exist. The Smart Phone has neutered their Potential, your Potential. It’s confiscated their/your Will and replaced it with Apathetic Acquiescence. Ingenious. Steve Jobs is their/yourGod. Oppenheimer wasn’t the Destroyer of Worlds Who Became Death as he opined when he and his fellow nuclear scientists tested the first Atom Bomb. Steve Jobs was/is Vishnu from the Bhagavad-Gita.

    Spiel zu Ende!

    • Agree: edNels
    • Replies: @Anon, @Kiza, @Krollchem, @another fred
  30. Anonymous[336] • Disclaimer says:

    The criticism of Sanders is unfounded in my opinion.

    He almost single-handedly gave voice to the oppression and difficulty that many Americans are feeling. He gave them a channel to vent their anger.

    It wan’t coming from other Democrats. And Jill Stein was so marginalized that very people ever heard her.

    It was Sanders.

    Perhaps the split he is causing in the Democratic Party is exactly what is needed to create a viable 3rd party.

  31. gwynedd1 says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    They said “Jap” and “Nips” ?

    That’s horrible..

    Far worse than vaporization …..

  32. renfro says:

    Mike is floundering here because he can’t break away from using obsolete terminology like left, right, conservative, socialist etc.

    Yes he is floundering…..and not too smart. He could find some better fear mongering to use against the Dems than ‘surveillance’ which hasn’t affected 99.00000009% of the US population who dont get up every morning wondering if they’re being spied on. I suggest he use socialism or communism which is a bigger scary boo to the middle class.

    The shift away from liberal politicians to center-right government agents and military personnel is part of a broader plan to rebuild the party so it better serves the interests of its core

    Iow…its becoming more republican to snatch back voters disenchanted with Trump.

    And while Russiagate is proof-positive that these malign spying techniques are already being used against us, the Democratic party is now creating a home for deep-state alums and their military allies so they continue to prosecute their war against personal liberty and the American people

    LOL… far Russiagate has only indicted a bunch of money launders, white collar criminals and unregistered agents for foreign interest…..and I think that’s great for us!….’us’ being the country.

    No one who cares about this country and a clean government talks about it in terms of Dems or republicans or progressives or etc. …..they all have agendas that have nothing to do with the good of the country. Only the sheep and joiners who need to be told what to think is good for them are loyal to any of them.

  33. renfro says:

    What is the hard evidence? And if you don’t believe a coup directed against Trump was being engineered by John Brennan and his allies at DOJ/FBI you haven’t been paying attention.

    Trump needs to be coup’ed but not because of Russia .
    And if you havent wised up to what he is actually doing in selling off the US while he blows smoke up your ass about MAGA then you aren’t paying attention.

    • Replies: @Authenticjazzman
  34. Spanky says:

    Sorry Mike, what do you mean by saying the goal is to “create a center-right” Democratic Party? The Clinton’s accomplished this in the 1990s — what we have here is a full scale enfoldment of the Dems into the National Security State…

    Not that it matters much — both Republicans and Democrats have been on the same page for a few decades now (since the 1940s IMHO). Inter-party politics don’t matter much, except insofar as the voting public can be conned into supporting one or the other, because no matter which party holds the Congress or Presidency the same Deep State agenda is their top priority.

    Why? It’s simple really — money. Big campaign donors expect “value” in return for their “political contributions”. And if value isn’t had for their money, the Deep State’s intelligence community can usually dig up something “useful” in the offender’s background to “persuade” him or her to support the current bipartisan agenda…

    If it’s really true that to find out who has power, just take note of whom is above criticism, perhaps we ought to consider that Rockefeller and JPMorgan money founded the CFR in 1921… and it took root and bloomed in government “service” during and after WWII.

    If you doubt the CFR’s power as the Deep State personified, I suggest reading historian Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time and sociologist Tom Dye’s Who Is Running America series.

    Paraphrasing Quigley, writing when Bill Clinton was his student at Georgetown, …the two parties should be as alike as two sides of a coin so that voters can “throw the rascals out” in any election without significantly changing governmental priorities and policies… because the policies the US is and ought be pursuing are not subject to significant dispute… (or at the least not by the voting public).

    Which begs the question — who is (and has been since the 1940s) setting US policy? If we, the voters, cannot alter or change our national policies, then democratic oversight of the Republic is nothing but a sham. The US is, in this view, just another Banana Republic… which Tom Dye ably documents from Watergate to Shrub’s administration.

  35. TomSchmidt says:
    @jilles dykstra

    You’re missing the destruction of the Japanese army in Manchuria at the same time by theSoviets. Japan was massing to defend against an invasion from the South, by the USA, and its northern flank was bare. That’s what really forced their hand.

    • Replies: @Ron Mexico
  36. renfro says:

    The only activism I’ve seen from progressives in the past two years has nothing to do with economic concerns; their energy is entirely focused on race, gender, and sexuality. The cultural-Marxist troika.

    That is indeed true.

  37. edNels says:

    If it’s to one’s benefit to not understand something, like because your sustenance and financial income derive from being accepted completely by an over weaning boss who wont tolerate any sort of questioning of anything nor the appearance of dissatisfaction with much of anything… (and JUST SHUT THE F’ UP AND WORK! is all THERE IS! or you are Fiah’d, for real.)

    INOW’s a minority of the vast majority who ponder on things like that, know to go along so that they can Get Along! Or, so that being included in the category of ”Gainfully Employed” in it’s various permutations, (Clipping Coupons… SSI… Mom’s basement, as the base line, and filthy rich and above serve as shining examples of the benefits of the SPOILS, of a system that isn’t always strictly… merit oriented.

    A politics reflecting realization that the world is closing up tighter and tighter, so with the lessening of diversity of thought, it is countered with hugh displays of Diversity of Behavior… the Identity pigeon hole issues, (ingenious!… that a few fruits and screwballs are set up,) in a bargain from hell with a populous to throw their whole future into jack boot tyranny. (With Clapper’s Ears over all…) and Austerity to come.

    When I saw up close how Mondale and Farraro just talked endless BS Identity issues I said the hell with it.

    Now Bernie was a creature of nostalgia because those New Deal concepts have been so defanged, while the benefits are enjoyed everywhere, who really has anything to complain about there other than the deluded scions of those few who lost some money back long ago, which maybe didn’t pass down to the inheritances, and so can be inserted into the rational for less magnificence… ( of who? any in particular among those who bitch and moan to this day, Conservatives, JBS members, lost souls.?)

    The problem is, Bernie’s lip service was more of feel good exercise than a practical step in effecting any thing constructive what ever, (the new generations needed to be inoculated one more time. Maybe it serves a function to expose a idea, so that it can not ever be really, what… considered novel again, or ever be a rallying point down the road? don’t know for sure. But Bernie was half assed.)

    Now move on, get in line. Don’t forget to vote for the Democrats, Only they can save us from the Russians.

  38. anon[317] • Disclaimer says:

    That is interesting regime change experts at the CIA; those who fund private software companies to spy, those who operate secret prisons hidden all over the world, those who protect those that operate the protection rackets, those who fund wars when no one else will, are now going to fix the USA? I suppose Homeland security will laser zap anyone who votes for an independent?

    Electronic voting conducted by the CIA, honesty guaranteed?

    Nobody has mentioned track_it hide_it, deny_it ratgoo, or backdoor msnitch, or the one_visible one_invisible and secret CPU maker vilitel, or the sneaky_sneaky_secret_script_application_software_vendors and designers whose products convert psychologically designed propaganda falsehoods often seen on fake news into life threatening wrongful ideologies.

    Hardware, artificial intelligence and software (HAS) are much more a threat to human independence from tyranny than military personnel acting as party stooge politicians (the wrong people were put in the right jobs during the October, 1919 revolution; it took 12 years to get rid of them).

    Iraq proved the governed can outwit the embedded party stooge soldier, but no one has figured out how to avoid the freedom squelching false election campaign propaganda, how to counter the fake news distributed on Pharaoh owned media, or how to overcome the pre-programmed innocent looking voting buttons that produce as ordered election results. Iraq just threw out the voting machine count, and is in the process at this time of manually recounted its recent election results.

    Clearly, the top few intend to enslave the bottom mass.

  39. @Alfa158

    ” To flood the West with non-Whites so businesses can have a large consumer base and cheap labor”

    Totally off base : Their goal is to flood the west with non-whites period, which they view as an ideal state, and they are not thinking about “businesses” (which they detest as capitalist entities) ) or “consumer bases” which they also, as an element of hated capitalism, also detest.

    They are neurotically obcessed with the scenario of a non-white socialist ruled world, and they do not give a shiot about any of the trivial details such as : How can all of this be financed.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz musician.

    • Replies: @Wally
  40. @renfro

    ” Trump needs to be coup’ed but not because of Russia”

    With each posting you are becoming more insane, amazing.


    • Replies: @renfro
  41. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Cold N. Holefield

    Take your meds

  42. @Eagle Eye

    Mr. Whitney did supply the title, as is his wont, and using Google, that title produced the link to the WSWS website. Personally, I prefer DuckDuckGo as my search engine, but I used Google in this case to make the point that if you query Google with the correct search terms, such as an exact title, you can still get to the link you wish to find. The bastards just make it harder; it’s samizdat time, chilluns.

    • Replies: @Eagle Eye
  43. Patrick Little for prez 2020

  44. @The Alarmist

    What a fine mind is here flushed down the toilet.

  45. renfro says:

    You are soooo stupid little man that it is painful even to others. But you can comfort yourself that there are other stupids who are also too lazy to pay attention to what is really going on and too stupid to get it even when it is pointed out to them.

    This is my last attempt to educate you as you keep proving that there really isn’t any cure for stupid. Now like the brainless sheep you are don’t address the ramifications on the US of these two Trump plans, just vent your spleen as you usually do.

    ”The Saudi kingdom joined forces with a top outside adviser to Trump to build a $40 billion war chest to privatize U.S. infrastructure.

    and this:

    U.S. mandates biggest non-emergency strategic oil sell-off

    “This is nothing short of liquidation of a safety net.”
    President Donald Trump unveiled a $4.4 trillion budget for next year that heralds an era of $1 trillion-plus federal deficits and — unlike the plan he released last year — never comes close to promising a balanced ledger even after 10 years Time
    The budget deal that the U.S. Congress passed and President Donald Trump signed into law last Friday calls for selling 100 million barrels of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) by 2027 to help fund the government.
    The sale of 100 million barrels of crude oil in the next decade would represent the largest non-emergency sell-off of strategic oil reserves and would equate to some 15% of the current stockpiles in the SPR

  46. Ron Mexico says:

    We had to destroy Japan in order to save it.

  47. Kiza says:
    @Cold N. Holefield

    Somewhat overdone comment, utilising cheap effects but with still valid core points about the post-post-modern society, or whatever one should call it. Stay away from the cheap stuff and you can be a good commenter.

  48. Eagle Eye says:

    Mr. Whitney did supply the title, as is his wont, and using Google, that title produced the link to the WSWS website.

    Correct, of course, but as you hint, “search engines” like Google are becoming more politicized and more intrusive by the day.

    In any event, providing a link to the underlying story is a basic and expected convenience for readers, and also a courtesy to the author of the original piece who should get some clicks for his work.

  49. Corvinus says:
    @Mr. Anon

    “What is the “Alt-Right”?”

    A name embraced by white nationalists and/or white supremacists to refer to themselves and their ideology, which emphasizes preserving and protecting the white race through populist endeavors, which includes the return of patriarchy, the revocation of the 1965 Immigration Act, an emphasis on race realism and/or the reinstitution of Western Christian civilization.

    “Who speaks for it?”

    John Derbyshire. Steve Sailer. Vox Day. Richard Spencer. Mike Cernovich. For starters.

    “What national platform does it have?”

    “And why is it you claim to “not be a liberal” when you only ever repeat talking points of the DNC and NPR?”

    That would be Fake News on your part.

  50. Corvinus says:

    “So welcoming in the spies and deep state espionage operatives was purely a political decision? ”

    That would be Fake News.

    “What is the hard evidence?”

  51. Krollchem says:
    @Cold N. Holefield

    Great comment. Too bad the other commentators have not read the book Propaganda and do not understand how media mind control works.

    Likewise, the book “Hacking of the American Mind” by Dr Lustig is not widely read. Perhaps, because the neuropharmacology behind addictions is too hard to understand by most of the instant gratification set! Seems Americans are generally on Dopamine highs to get pleasure rather than happiness.

    Thanks for the smartphone tie-in. Not having a cell phone it didn’t sink in until you addressed the issue.

    Ignore the detractors…

  52. Wally says:

    “neurotically obsessed with the scenario of a non-white socialist ruled world”

    Nailed it.

    Of course at that point they’ll be no one to pay the bills


  53. The two party “uniparty” is alive and well. In fact, while the party’s supporters still may include self- described “leftists” the party itself has gone further right than the traditionally rightwing GOP. The dual party structure relies on the “Democrats” to gut “entitlements”, that is Social Security or Medicare. It was the “Democrats” who put in Obamacare, which mandated people to spend an arm and a leg on crappy medical insurance the cost of which was massively inflated which they could only use when they had spent way more than average on medical bills. Meanwhile it was the democrats’ harpy candidate who proposed a no-fly zone in Syria on behalf of raghead mercenaries hired by the yankee imperium. While Trump has largely caved in to the deep state, in part perhaps because of the pressure applied by the phony deep state witch hunt taking over the “justice” department of the yankee regime, we know what the democrats, exponents of the fraudulent “Russia-gate” stories, now espouse: a new cold war far more dangerous than the old one. Meanwhile, the commercial media in the US and satellite countries, has degenerated into a Goebbels-like propaganda apparat. Trump’s clumsiness actually may have the accidental salutary effect of enabling the satellite countries to slip the yankee leash, at least to some extent. The situation brought about by this unprecedented two faction version of fascism is profoundly depressing, in addition to being seriously dangerous.

  54. Biff says:
    @jilles dykstra

    These two bombs may have saved about twenty million Japanese lives, and one million USA lives:
    Robert J.C. Butow, ‘JAPAN’S Decision to Surrender’, Stanford, 1954

    Is this sarcasm?

  55. Harbinger says:

    Why is this article entitled: “Dems Put Finishing Touches on One-Party ‘Surveillance Superstate’”
    This website seems to have articles that show their authors are awake and yet, this article shows quite the opposite. Who today, with the slightest modicum of common sense, who has made the effort in understanding how the system works, still plays the left-right paradigm, Hegelian Dialectic, political game nonsense?
    I mean, let’s get real here; the Democrats and the Republicans, like their UK counterparts of Labour and Conservative are merely wings on the same bird, ultimately flying to a destination. Both parties are taking the USA towards a one-party, surveillance, super state. You do not enter American politics unless you bow to Zionism and International Jewry. Unless you show 100% support to Israel then forget a career in politics.

    Incidentally, to many who may have heard of her; the new luvey of the conservatives is none other than black, Candace Owens, who is better known as Red Pill Black. She has been this new voice who has entered into the ‘alternative right’, itself nothing more than controlled opposition, speaking out against feminism, white privilege, rape culture, transgender culture etc etc and has gained a large following. Other than being a complete fraud, as information has appeared that she tried to launch a ‘doxing’ website, targeting youngsters, she has appeared at the opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem:

    Why on earth, would some nobody, who has had an incredibly fast rise on YouTube (most certainly her subscriber base and video view has been doctored) and more so a black conservative, be invited to attend the opening of the American embassy in Jerusalem? Bottom line? She’s being groomed for a career in politics and I wouldn’t be surprised if they wheel her out, some time in the future, as a presidential hopeful to capture the black vote in the USA.
    Again, this is controlled opposition.

    You never vote in a new party in politics. You vote out the old one. 326 million is the population of the USA and there are only two political parties? Are you serious? It’s bad enough, here in the UK with three (liberal party along with Labour and Conservative), with a 66 million population but only two in the USA?

    Both parties are heavily controlled.
    The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has been putting presidents into power now for over a hundred years. The CFR is the sister organization of the Royal Institute for International Affairs, which has been doing the same, here in the UK for the same time. All politicians are groomed from an early age, taught how to avoid answering any question directly, how to lie and of course who their masters are. By implementing their wishes, politicians are then granted a seat on some board, within some multi conglomerate, a six figure salary, a fat pension on top of their political one and of course umpteen houses spread across wherever. Blair and Obama epitomize this.

    Both political parties are left wing, hiding under the right wing and classic liberal monikers.

  56. Reg Cæsar says:
    @jilles dykstra

    These two bombs may have saved about twenty million Japanese lives, and one million USA lives:

    And they’d have done the same dropped a few miles away, with minimal civilian casualties. Or in the nearby sea– both cities are ports.

    The problem is not the weapon, but the target. Women and children.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  57. Them Guys says:

    Yep they All must attend several Head Bangers ball events in Israel in order to get to first base and announce a run for some office. And the entire nature of, wear a jew skull cap, place a “prayer note” piece of paper into a crack in that wall, then stand facing wall and bang forehead on wall while thrusting pelvis area of body back and forth as if to simulate having Wall-Sex!

    Is all so phony in the first place because while Israel and jews claim that wall is all that remains of their second temple. The real truth is that, that wall is all that still remains of the original Fortress Wall built by Romans in order to protect the roman soldiers and roman citizens who lived Inside the place while Rome goverend jewry back then. Romans had to erect that huge tall wall as protection against, never ending threats of and actual jewish led riots, and threats of jewish violence and murders of roman citizens and military stationed there.

    Plus, most if not every biblical scholar for the past couple thousand years have agreed that, in 70-A.D. when Romans got fed up enough with jewish crap, the romans made war against jews, and ended up destroying the entire jew 2nd temple. And the Main thing All involved in historic outcome etc of this event agree on is, that the Roman Army so fully demolished the 2nd temple, that it totally Fulfilled the Prophetic prediction by Jesus Christ.

    Which was a Prophetic Prediction that Basically stated of how “See this wonderfully built temple you so adore and love?….I tell you that it shall be completly destroyed, and with NOT a Single Stone Left standing, one atop another!”

    This happened and 100% Fulfilled Christs Prediction, and did so in, 70-AD era.

    Yet never does a single stupid political office seeker ever simply question as to why do jews still claim that an ancient walls remains from an ROMAN Fortress, be so Worshipped and claimed to be all that remains of their 2nd temple eh?

    If I recall correctly, that roman fortress was called something akin to “Fort Antonius”(?), or maybe “Antononus”(?)….But its actual name matters much less than my main question of why jews continue to make so false of a claim.

    So basically we have jews who demand everybody that desires to be a “somebody”, especially in american politics, go thru process described prior to bang heads and do simulated pelvic sex with a rock wall……And jewry wishes also to force entire world to believe Talmudic judaism to be not just oldest religion known of, but to be The Most holiest and Highest form religion of all.

    While the fools stand faceing an old roman fort wall, stick hand wrote prayer notes into a wall crack, then bang heads, thrust pelvis at wall aka fake wall sex!, and mumble some gutteral throat sounds called Yiddish or hebrew eh. As “If” it were really a holy temple wall remains!

    Some idiots varry it and stand there going through same head banger motions, and also place one or both Hands high up on wall, as if somehow they must think the wall needs be held up so it don’t fall on them? Or what?

    I for one cannot help but to loudly burst out in a deep Laugh attack every time I flip thru tv channels and see yet another duped idiot doing the Jewish Head Bang act. I love it when other people see or hear me burst out laughing at this, as it gives me a chance to explain it all to them when they every time inquire as to why do I find it so funny to laugh at?

    Most folk refuse to consider facts let alone believe it all is another of too many jew scam swindles.

    One final observation is how whenever someone running for a high political office position gets finished doing the Head Banger Ball event, they all always get taken away from the wall by a Dozen or so rabbis & top political persons of israel, then get more photo 0pps sessions when taken to some yeshevia with yet another few dozens of professional talmud readers. They take yet more photos there, then go to a Top-Secret location within israel for the Real, deep programing and group session brainwshings to make certain a new political office seeker, is always going to do.

    Only what is good for israel and jews…So in reality it seems besides to be willing to do head bang at wall event, all one must learn or know to run for office, even office of us prez, is to be able to Play Golf & Promice to always ask the main question of. “But Is it Good for Jews? and Good for Israel?”

    Master those two things and Bam you too can be called: Mr. Prez!

    • Replies: @Harbinger
  58. Them Guys says:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Weren’t those two jap cities nuked, also the main two location cities where, one held majority of Catholics, while other held majority of, Protestants religions members? I recall reading of this several times. But do not know if true or not?….If yes true, I can see how and why since it is well known that WWII was another jew war opps, and jews ran usa, and jews have always been the biggest and worst of all the worlds Anti-Christs, and Anti Christianity in general eh. So yeah if true it makes perfect sense as to why those cities were picked.

    • Replies: @Krollchem
  59. Them Guys says:

    When writing my previous posting on that 2nd jew temple wall, it reminded me of how every time I see or hear of another politition doing the head bang events, I cannot help but remember that Rock & Roll huge hit song about 20 years ago, where the only main words to song I recall are.

    “BANG YOUR HEAD!!!….That’ll help Us drive Ya Crazy!…then repeats again same wording before going onto next verses of song. That is all I recall of actual song words…..Anybody else here recall that song by chance?…It was also a really good tune and played quite often on radio stations across usa back then.

    I’d also love to see one of said polititions doing the head bang event at wall, and have some crowd observer whip out a ghetto blaster Loud CD-Player with that song pre-set up to loudly begin to play those exact same words of “Bang Your Head! That’ll help us drive ya Crazy!” hehehhe…I can just picture every msm tv news talker trying to cover up such an outburst and the overall chaos it would likley cause, when every rabbi and Bibiboy present become discombobulated and unglued when they heard that songs key words eh.

  60. Krollchem says:
    @Them Guys

    You are correct:

    The Very Un-Christian Nagasaki Bomb

    August 9, 2014 • 9 Comments

    “A bitter irony of the Nagasaki atomic bomb was that an all-Christian American crew used the steeple of Japan’s most prominent Christian church as the target for an act of unspeakable barbarism, making a mockery of Christian teachings on non-violence, writes Gary G. Kohls.”

    “For targeting purposes, the bombing crew used St. Mary’s Urakami Cathedral, the largest Christian church in East Asia. At 11:02 a.m., on Aug. 9, 1945, when the bomb was dropped over the cathedral, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan.”

    “Most Nagasaki Christians did not survive the blast. Six thousand of them died instantly, including all who were at confession. Of the 12,000 church members, 8,500 of them eventually died as a result of the bomb. Many of the others were seriously sickened.”

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
  61. Saxon says:

    “Identity politics” is an Orwellian term for group interests, which is an innate, immutable feature of a “diverse” country. Good luck getting rid of them. The reason you didn’t see them before was because the country was homogeneous.

    A lot of people would like to think you can just put a bunch of competing biocultural groups together with no friction and things will more or less remain the same, but you cannot. Like in nature, this is the obvious result of putting different subspecies in the same territory competing for the same limited resources. Bougie types who’ve been completely sheltered and insulated by wealth from the fallout of this third world invasion are still deluding themselves, though.

  62. Harbinger says:
    @Them Guys

    When the western leaders, go to Jerusalem to prey at the Roman fortress wall, it’s nothing more than a press opportunity for Jews to show off their Shabbos goy. Nothing more than puppets, who have signed away all integrity, for material gain and to implement Talmudic doctrine.

    As you correctly state, the Temple was razed to the ground by the Romans. They utterly obliterated the temple. It was a statement to the Jews to NEVER cross Rome again or else they would do to the Jews what they did to their Temple.

    But why then do they claim it is their wall belonging to their temple? Well, simply because they won’t accept that the Romans almost obliterated them. What a joy that would have been. Can you imagine how much suffering would never have happened? Can you imagine how many lives would have been saved in all the cumulative wars, orchestrated by this wicked tribe of degenerates? The west would be a bastion of strength, honesty, integrity and good will to all men, unlike the Jewish bulldog it is today, massacring the middle east for the creation of Greater Israel and the protector of decadence, degradation, degeneracy and perversity and everything else that’s wrong with this world.

    “Yet never does a single stupid political office seeker ever simply question as to why do jews still claim that an ancient walls remains from an ROMAN Fortress, be so Worshipped and claimed to be all that remains of their 2nd temple eh?”

    Because the Jew needs to promote the lie that it is. Lying is the domain of Jewry. They have turned it into one of their vile art forms.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  63. Them Guys says:

    Harbinger, I agree on all you stated. And yes I often times think about just what and how, and how many issues would be so different today and all during past couple thousand years. If Romans did actually wipe it and them out entirely. I’d wager that if it were possible for those top roman generals whom decided on affairs back then, to come back to life again now today, and see how things have turned out?…..Every single one would have RE-Thunk it all and actually would have wiped it all out period.

    Our greatest WWII general G.Patton had second thoughts about WWII. His diary, and a 1976(?) Book on “pattons Diary”, which I have only read various passages of so far, states pattons actual diary wordings…In it Patton says “I now realize we americans fought against the WRONG people! and we should have taken sides with germans to fully destroy and wipe out every last soviet commie boshevik and put to end communism for good then and there”

    Patton deeply hated and regretted his after end of war main job of placeing DP’s aka Displaced persons, which were almost all jews from russia or poland and all commies too, into still survived german Homes while patton was forced to evict german families that owned and lived in said homes.

    Same opps as in russia and east euro areas where first commie bolshevik jews kill off entire gentile christian family, then radio to soviet cheka HQ to send in another soviet commie jew family to now occupy a newly emptied house!…No wonder internatinal jewry has gotten so filthy wealthy over the centuries eh….When it is all okey-dokey to just kill off people and entire families of innocents, then obtain all they had or owned prior….That adds to a mountain of riches, $$$$, Gold, Houses, Buisness’s etc…….But its all Ill gotten gains. And no matter What, sooner or later call it justice or karma or other terms, jewry will find it has bitten off far more than it can ever jew.

    Then we shall see what entire world can be like without pre determined wars and thieveries of every sort. I predict a massive sea change would happen… From world peace to prosperity for All globally. And also I’d wager entire worlds gentile peoples everywheres, would totally forget they ever heard of or knew of a jew in reord time!

  64. Vojkan says:

    There was a football (called soccer by those who call football a game where the ball is played with hands) international friendly today between France and the USA. I wanted to puick when I saw the Americans’ outfit. They played with rainbow colored numbers on their shirts, in support of LGBT militantism, er, “gender equality”, pardon my slip. The USA nowadays stinks marxism, albeit in its “cultural” form, as much as the Soviet bloc ever did.

  65. Reg Cæsar says:

    And two years later, Harry Truman called America a Christian nation. No one did more than he to disprove that thesis!

  66. Reg Cæsar says:

    doing something like raising taxes on the rich

    Wouldn’t just killing them outright better serve your purposes? Worked for FDR’s friend and mentor, Uncle Joe.

    If you lack his taste for blood, imprisoning the rich would also be quite effective. Once Gates and Jobs put their products on the market, giving them long jail terms would strongly discourage anyone else from pulling such stunts. At least without emigrating.

    When statist democrats are in power

    Someone who wants to levy punitive taxes on everyone with more money than me isn’t in the best position to call others “statist”. Do you expect the state to do anything good with the assets they mulct from productive citizens?

  67. So much print wasted relating to an Empire that barely exists today. The sound exists: as does the fury and the ability to create havoc and more corpses BUT…that’s it.  We are now the sideshow.  The main event is in Eurasia.  The US as Hegemony Inc is over…unless the hubris and nostalgia for the old days is set aside. What are the odds? Everything we do is premised on the world quivering and obeying.  But more and more often, we are ignored and interest and focus goes elsewhere. In a decade, unless we change course, we’re a footnote in the history books. A part of the backwater formerly known as the Western Hemisphere.

    • Replies: @Miro23
  68. Miro23 says:
    @Robert Magill

    So much print wasted relating to an Empire that barely exists today. The sound exists: as does the fury and the ability to create havoc and more corpses BUT…that’s it. We are now the sideshow. The main event is in Eurasia. The US as Hegemony Inc is over…unless the hubris and nostalgia for the old days is set aside. What are the odds? Everything we do is premised on the world quivering and obeying. But more and more often, we are ignored and interest and focus goes elsewhere. In a decade, unless we change course, we’re a footnote in the history books. A part of the backwater formerly known as the Western Hemisphere.

    What messes up this idea is nuclear weapons. The US has many of them, and a cornered UZA can lash out in any way – in fact it’s likely to.

    As a completely amoral player (USS Liberty, 9/11 etc) UZA could potentially flatten every other nuclear power (with complete disregard for US casualties), and get unchallengeable world hegemony. Russia is much aware of this variant and it was the core of Vladimir Putin’s 1st March speech – also his very careful handling of Israel.

    • Replies: @Krollchem
  69. Krollchem says:

    In response to your comment:
    “As a completely amoral player (USS Liberty, 9/11 etc) UZA could potentially flatten every other nuclear power (with complete disregard for US casualties), and get unchallengeable world hegemony.”

    Nuclear war is not winnable as the following shows:

    Those who claim that the US can win nuclear war cite an inaccurate 1987 update of a 1979 report as a creditable source on atmospheric effects of nuclear war. In reality, a Nuclear Winter would be worse than predicted due to massive quantities of sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon black soot, and dust+radiation entering the upper atmosphere as well as dramatic increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. A more accurate accounting of the atmospheric effect of a 5,000 megaton nuclear exchange is as follows:

    • Replies: @Miro23
  70. Miro23 says:

    I don’t doubt that it would be a terrible disaster for mankind but UZA players are not concerned about that. What matters for them is 1) would they dominate what is left 2) could Israel avoid damage.

    It’s 2) that probably holds them back, and, as you say, the UZA leadership is not interested in Nuclear Winter studies:

    For those interested in further reading, a Federation of American Scientists review contains a summary of the more recent peer-reviewed studies on nuclear winter (which US leadership has decided to ignore or reject), see “Turning a Blind Eye Towards Armageddon — US Leaders Reject Nuclear Winter Studies”

    In fact, if it developed into a full nuclear exchange, the enormous damage would in a sense be a reset. The human population would be greatly reduced since it depends on sophisticated societal mechanisms to survive, but smaller tribal groups in equatorial latitudes without complicated supply chains may be better placed for survival.

    And as far as numbers are concerned, the modern human population (our common ancestors) that left Africa around 50.000 years ago were a tiny group, as Nicholas Wade explains in “Before the Dawn”:

    Those who left Africa carried only a slice of the full genetic diversity of the human population, and the size of the slice allows an estimate to be made of the emigrant’s numbers. Sarah Tishkoff, a geneticist at the University of Maryland, has calculated that the number of modern humans who left Africa could have been as few as 160. Another estimate, made by geneticists working with mitochondrial DNA, is that the source population in Africa from whom all humans outside Africa are descended numbered at most 550 women of childbearing age, and probably considerably fewer.

    Despite the appearance of precision, these numbers have wide ranges of error and are very approximate. The basic inference that can be drawn from them is that the ancestral group in Africa from which the first emigrants derived, was very small, probably just a single band of hunter-gatherers. Such a band would number about 150 people if modern hunter-gatherer groups are typical of ancient ones. The group that left Africa that left Africa would presumably have been this one band or part of it.

    • Replies: @Krollchem
  71. deschutes says:
    @Eagle Eye offers a great perspective on current events, and Whitney is right to quote from them. He should use links to them for sure, as you point out. WSWS gives more content and analysis in its reporting than most other ‘liberal’ outlets like Intercept or crappy Trughdig, and FAR more than the beneath contempt corporate media such as Guardian which is the very worst of the worst.

    Hey everybody! Go and read it is an excellent news source-

    Free Assange!

    • Replies: @republic
  72. republic says:

    The communist WSWS may have some good viewpoints on things like internet censorship and its support for Assange, but it is an extreme advocate for open borders.

  73. Krollchem says:

    Assuming a 95% die off the world population would be about 380 million. Assuming a doubling time of 30 years the actual carrying capacity would soon be reached.

  74. CaptRob says:

    I am a recovering Democrat. However, nothing brings out my roots more then bad employers. Now my Democratic Party was God , Family & Country. You go to the Democratic web sites and they have all this nonsense about no guns, marriage equality, immigration. What happened to healthcare, social security, affordable housing & Veterans? We have to be careful. The Nazi Party did not start in 1939 invading Poland. It started with a fallacy in the class room. A State owned creation myth, evolutionary biology. It’s based on finch beaks in the Galapagos. Now even if a cow could turn into a whale some how it would take more then 4.5 billion years to do it. The results speak for themselves, 100 million dead in the 20th century but they were just cows that can talk right?

  75. @Cold N. Holefield

    I believe you may be confusing ruthless ambition with psychopathy. They have similar features, but are not the same. This argument is not on completely solid ground as there is no complete agreement on what psychopathy is, but the consensus is that there is something wrong with a psychopath’s brain.

    The ruthless can be mentally intact, they see the same world we do, they just don’t care enough about others to restrain their own ambition. This is often learned, they’ve been hardened by the world, but can sometimes be just a result of excessive ambition or peer pressure. They can be quite pro-social among their peers. They manipulate or punish for gain, not for the kick of manipulating or punishing others.

    Psychopaths don’t often make it to the top (board level) of organizations, they’re too anti-social to get along with other board members. They manipulate and punish for the kick they get out of it. Psychopaths are abundant among the self-made and at lower levels of organizations where they are used and discarded.

  76. Jollyroger says:
    @jacques sheete

    That’s more or less what George Carlin insinuated: “The middle class does all the work, pays all the taxes while the wealthy class takes all the money and pays none of the taxes and the poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class……….keep asking for all those jobs”.